Help you create convenient and safe mobility
Like humans, vehicles also need to be regulated so that traffic becomes orderly and does not hinder any activity of its citizens. This order is not only a matter of traffic, but also vehicle taxes which are often avoided by some people. With so many problems in controlling these vehicles, the conventional system used may not be optimal due to the large number of vehicles and limited human resources. Therefore, a road traffic monitoring solution is here to help you solve road problems through computer vision technology.
Factual data to help you make the right decisions
Road Traffic Monitoring (RTM) is supported by Artificial Intelligence from Video Analytics which gets input from the installed CCTV. This solution is used to monitor vehicle activity and traffic density in real time. RTM will provide real-time visual insight to be able to control traffic based on factual data in the field taken from CCTV in certain areas as observation points.
Total Daily Vehicles per Area
Classification Total Vehicle Type
Speed Estimation
Success Story
Pemkot Manado
A Road Traffic Monitoring solution based on computer vision AI allows the Manado city government to Reveal patterns from existing traffic to make a better data-driven decision or even automate the whole process of decision making. The implementation of AI can assure efficient and safe traffic operations by empowering the wide-traffic surveillance system and traffic control system to manage and minimize traffic accidents.
Mayor of Manado
Vicky Lumentut
Vehicle Counting
Count every vehicle passed and classify each of them into a motorcycle, small, medium, and big vehicle.
License Plate Recognition
Provides recognition of face plates for all types of vehicles and developed to adapt real conditions in indonesia.